Ever wonder how many of your followers, fans, and fellow Twitter users stumble across your tweets and hashtags? Wonder no further, gauging Tweet success will no longer rely on the number of favorites, retweets and replies one receives. Twitter has recently implemented an analytics dashboard, similar to Google Analytics allowing one to “gauge the performance of each and every tweet you sent. How many people saw it? How many of those actually clicked your links?” according to TechCrunch. This new feature is available to all verified Twitter accounts and Twitter Card advertisers and publishers. It offers a broad, strategic view of one’s tweets, showing how many people viewed the tweet, clicked on links, as well as comparing your Twitter success to previous months. This new feature will be helpful for advitisters using Twitter as a promotional tool. Now they will be able to easily enhance their Twitter advertisements focusing on consistency, timing, and tweet mechanics which will in turn help Twitter users send more efficient Tweets and reach their targeted audience with ease!