Over the past few years, there has been huge leaps and bounds in the growth of the social networking site Pinterest. Clothing stores, Magazines, Designers, and practically every female who likes planning weddings and homemade gifts have taken to Pinterest as a place to store photos from their own computer or from their favorite websites. The visual bulletin board aesthetic lends itself easily for users to compartmentalize their images into different categories such as Recipes, Art, Interior Design, DIY, Fashion, etc.
Unlike other photo-sharing websites, Pinterest has a “Pin It Button” that allows you to pin an image from any website. Once you click the button in your browser, it pulls images from the current webpage and allows you to pin it to your Pinterest profile.
However, there are a few drawbacks on pinning directly to Pinterest: since you can only pin images, it’s hard to pin a quote, Twitter profile, or Website unless it is a single image. Also, it’s not possible to pin tracks directly from Spotify for the pinners that want to share music on their profiles.
This is where Pinstamatic comes in: it’s a hip website that allows you to do all the above.
It allows you to create a website snapshot to display a website on your profile:
A block of text with different font choices:
A Google Map location:
A Spotify track that plays directly:
A Sticky Note:

A Tweet that links to a Twitter Profile:

Pretty cool, right? Go ahead, try out the amazingness for yourself: http://www.pinstamatic.com