Our very own Justin Davis has been featured as Chill’s Curator of the Week! Chill is a social networking website that makes it easier for you to discover and share videos. You can post videos, follow other users, and more!
Justin said that he decided to start using Chill because it’s “a community of videophiles with a taste for tech and fully-developed funny-bones.” Sounds like Justin!
Chill asked Justin a variety of questions such as, “If you could put a time lapse video camera anywhere in the world, where would it be?” and “What famous person would you most want to follow you on Chill,” which he answered with “Nicholas Cage, definitely just Nicholas Cage.”
To read all of Justin’s answers, check out the full post on Chill’s blog HERE. What an awesome Chill Curator Justin is! To follow Justin on Chill, click here!