The dominance of the web has changed the way people work, live and stay informed. For now, I’m going to leave aside a discussion about what the internet has done to the average person’s experience of life and the way people relate to others (though they are certainly worthy subjects for reflection and consideration).
What I want to share with you today are the tools we at Oniracom use to help us stay on top of the rapid shifts and changes which we encounter daily. As a company that works primarily on websites and social media, every new application, every new site, every new contribution to the field of design, development and social networking has the potential to rearrange the way we go about business. This means that it is a necessity to stay flexible, because you will encounter challenges and you will be expected understand the new developments and rise to the occasion (or risk being met by a client asking, “well they did that over their; are you not as capable?”).
So with all these changes and rapid sharing of information, what is the trick to staying on top without driving yourself crazy?
The solution is finding good tools that bring you the most relevant information and allow you to communicate easily and work efficiently.
Click Read More to See The Tools We Use on a Daily Basis and leave a comment about the tools that you use!
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