Have you seen Apple’s new “Find iPhone” feature? It’s free, and no, you don’t need a paid MobileMe account (I hate MobileMe).
I highly recommend you go get the free “Find iPhone” app [AppStore link] and login with your Apple ID (which would probably be better referred to as: iTunes Username & Password).
NOTE: Your iPhone software needs to be up to date!
Now your iPhone is synced with your Apple ID, so if your phone ever gets lost or stolen, it’s not a complete goner. Once your phone is missing, from someone else’s iPhone you can login with your Apple ID to their Find iPhone app, and it locates exactly where your phone is (if it’s turned on) on a Google Map. If it’s turned off, it will tell you the location last detected, and how long ago that was.

Then you have the following options:
1) Display Message (like: Hey Creep, thanks for stealing my phone) or Play Sound (if it’s lost somewhere in your house and you can’t find it)
2) Remote Lock (lock someone out of getting access to your contacts, email, facebook, twitter, everything)
3) Remote Wipe (completely erase all of the data on your phone)

I couldn’t be happier that Apple is giving us some free peace of mind when it comes to losing our phones or getting them stolen. It happens all too often, and with our lifestyle these days, our entire lives can be on these phones. Now I can possibly find my lost/stolen phone, or at the very least protect my information.